Welcome to Waskatenau


1919 wooden railway trestle

The ribbon of steel to connect the district to the outside world was delayed by the Great War. Finally, the St. Paul de Métis railway line was opened in 1919 and became part of the Canadian National. That same year this original wooden railway trestle bridge, spanning Waskatenau Creek, was engineered.

Now half of its original length, the gully at each end of the trestle was filled with soil in 1958 and the dam was let go since the trains no longer needed water and steam to power them.

Many a budding romance blossomed on top of the trestle as couples strolled along its boardwalk. However, one night there was nearly a loss of life in the 1950's when a freight train met an over-indulged bar visitor and his team of horses. The driver mistook the track for a road. Sadly, the horses died but the driver was unscathed.

Be sure to stroll Waskatenau’s paved Nature Trail, which skirts Waskatenau Creek. With benches along the trail and “Points of Interest” signs along the way, the trail also allows for the occasional peak at the busy beavers at work.

This is a great place to take a picture of a disappearing part of our Alberta heritage. Evening or early morning can yield exciting sunset/sunrise photos. Located east along the railway line.