Whether it is a weekend retreat, summer home, retirement living or a new beginning, market shoppers will find something in their budget. Houses to purchase in Waskatenau range from around $75,000 to $100,000 while an average rent payment is about $500/mo.
There are also eight self-contained apartment units available locally under the management of the Smoky Lake Foundation for senior's housing. Each one bedroom suite features a fridge, stove and washer and dryer. [Tel: 780-656-4217]
Waskatenau is part of the Lakeland Roman Catholic School Division #150, headquartered in Bonnyville. Waskatenau's Holy Family Catholic School provides education for preschool to grade 12. [Tel: 780-358-2332]
Waskatenau is part of the Alberta Health Services and is served by the George McDougall Health Centre in Smoky Lake (22kms west). The Centre features full hospital services, including ambulance and paramedic service, to the Smoky Lake County Region. Home care health and support services are also available by calling [Tel: 780-656-3595].
911 in Smoky Lake
(780) 656-3034 in Smoky Lake
(780) 942-3932 in Redwater
(780) 656-2030
Dr. Anton & Dr. Stefan Raubenheimer
(780) 656-2505.
The Village is served by the Smoky Lake County detachment of the RCMP and Rural Crime Watch. An experienced volunteer fire department is fully equipped with a firehall, fire trucks and an emergency response vehicle. Quality Emergency Services include service by the RCMP - Smoky Lake Detachment. NOTE: Fire, Police and Ambulance and Paramedic service is available by calling [911].
Connecting highways include Highway 28, leading west to Edmonton and east to Cold Lake. Highway 28 is the main highway connecting Edmonton with the Lakeland tourism region and the Cold Lake military air base.
Secondary Highway 831 provides direct paved access south to Lamont and Fort Sakatchewan and north to Boyle and to Fort McMurray and the Athabasca Tar Sands developments.
National and International air service is available through the Edmonton Municipal Airport in downtown Edmonton and the Edmonton International Airport, approximately 1.5 hours drive southwest. There is also railway service to the elevator.
Canada Post, DHL (formerly Loomis) and Purolator supply daily courier service to the Village.
Several trucking firms serve Waskatenau and region, providing general and specialized transportation services, including freight and livestock hauling. Check the business directory for more information.
The following is a users list for utility companies serving the Village of Waskatenau:
For Electrical Power call ATCO Electric [1-800-668-2248] for billing inquires. [1-800-668-5506] for 24hr emergency / power repair.
call Justenergy [1-855-387-6071] for customer / billing inquires. [1-855-387-6071]
contact ALTAGAS Utilities Inc. at 9312 - 100th Street in Westlock, AB [Tel: 1-866-222-2067 for general inquires, 1-866-222-2068 for 24hr emergency or 1-866-242-3447 for gas line locations].
For service drop by the Village Office at 5008 - 51st Street or call Bernice at Tel: 780-358-2208 or email info@waskatenau.ca.
Wireless high-speed Internet service is now available through MCSNet in St. Paul. Call Toll-free: 1-(866) 390-3928 or (780) 645-4417 and fax (780) 645-5650.
Xplore offers premium voice and data communication services through a mixture of fibre, fixed wireless and satellite technologies to extend service across rural Canada. Our commitment to innovation means we are continuously working to bring 5G, LTE, next-generation satellite and fibre to more communities throughout rural Canada. Call Toll-Free: 1-877-605-3106
Business and residential Dial-up service is also available through Telus [1-877-310-4NET (4638)].
Newspaper dailies include: Edmonton Journal, Edmonton Sun and National Post. Weeklies include: The Smoky Lake Signal, St. Paul Journal and The Redwater Review which is delivered free to local mailboxes.
Edmonton and area AM/FM radio service can be picked up locally although there are no local radio stations situated in Waskatenau.
You can also pick up a few local Edmonton television stations with some rabbit ears or antennae.